Well made products designed to be lived with.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Holidays from BCM&T Co.

josh and i have been reflecting on the past year. it has definitely
been an interesting one, filled with trials & tribulations...
both peacefulness & excitement.

as the holidays approach & we get closer to the new year,
we are filled by the feeling that we are exactly where we are
suppose to be, doing exactly what we are suppose to be doing -
and, it feels great!

with having made so many new friends & connections, as well
as reconnecting with such great old friends, it's hard to feel anything
but blessed.

we are very excited to see what the new year will bring, it is already
off to a really great start! to each and every one of you, we wish you
and your families the warmest, happiest of holidays and a happy & healthy new year.

kelly & josh

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