Expression of the creative soul ...
Views into intimate moments of a persons life.
Thumbtacks & magazine clippings, a cup, the stove ...
these are the moments that poetically describe the inherent
depth that exists within the relationship someone has with
their environment.
What does the routine of our lives say about us?
How do we facilitate it & what does it look like?
Design in this context has greater significance than
simple questions of style or taste. Inspirational places
have an interconnectedness, a depth of character that goes
beyond their surface value. Homes become a very close,
personal result of this experience ... whether we allow people to
look in or not, they tell a whole, unique story about who we are &
what is important to us.
Below are the rest of the photographs we took when visiting the
property of the late Raoul Hague whose house & workshop inspired this post.